ajay dev studying Computer Systems Design To learn about the internal organisation of the computer. To learn about the architecture of a computer’s CPU.

 Computer Systems Design

To learn about the internal organisation of the computer. To learn about the architecture of a computer’s CPU.

Prescribed Books

The following are the suggested books for the course:

Computer Organization and Design, 4th Ed, D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy

W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance, 9th Edition, Pearson, 2013

Week 1: Basic functional blocks of a computer:

  • CPU: The CPU, or central processing unit, is the brain of the computer. It is responsible for executing instructions and processing data.
  • Memory: Memory stores data and instructions that the CPU needs to access.
  • Input-output subsystems: Input-output subsystems allow the computer to communicate with the outside world. They include devices such as keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers.
  • Control unit: The control unit is responsible for coordinating the operation of the different components of the computer.

Week 2: Instruction set architecture of a CPU:

  • Registers: Registers are small, fast storage units that are used to store frequently accessed data and instructions.
  • Instruction execution cycle: The instruction execution cycle is the process by which the CPU executes an instruction. It consists of four steps: fetch, decode, execute, and writeback.
  • RTL interpretation of instructions: RTL, or register transfer level, is a language that is used to describe the operation of the CPU. RTL instructions are translated into machine code by the compiler.
  • Addressing modes: Addressing modes specify how the CPU finds the operands for an instruction.
  • Instruction set: The instruction set is the set of instructions that the CPU can understand.

Week 3: Data representation:

  • Signed number representation: Signed number representation is used to represent positive and negative numbers.
  • Fixed and floating point representations: Fixed point representation is used to represent numbers with a fixed number of digits. Floating point representation is used to represent numbers with a wide range of values.
  • Character representation: Character representation is used to represent characters such as letters, numbers, and symbols.

Week 4: CPU control unit design:

  • Hardwired design: In a hardwired design, the control unit is implemented using logic gates.
  • Microprogrammed design: In a microprogrammed design, the control unit is implemented using a microprogram, which is a program that stores the control signals for each instruction.

Week 5: Peripheral devices and their characteristics:

  • Input-output subsystems: Input-output subsystems allow the computer to communicate with the outside world. They include devices such as keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers.
  • I/O transfers: I/O transfers are the process of moving data between the CPU and the I/O devices.
  • Program controlled: In program controlled I/O transfers, the CPU is responsible for controlling the transfer of data.
  • Interrupt driven: In interrupt driven I/O transfers, the I/O device interrupts the CPU when it is ready to transfer data.
  • DMA: Direct memory access (DMA) allows the I/O device to transfer data directly to memory without the intervention of the CPU.

Week 6: Programs and processes:

  • Programs: Programs are sets of instructions that the CPU can execute.
  • Processes: Processes are instances of programs that are running on the computer.
  • Interrupts: Interrupts are signals that are sent to the CPU to notify it of an event, such as an I/O device being ready to transfer data.
  • Process state transitions: Interrupts can cause processes to transition between different states, such as running, ready, and waiting.

Week 7: Pipelining:

  • Pipelining: Pipelining is a technique that allows the CPU to execute multiple instructions at the same time.
  • Throughput and speedup: Throughput is the number of instructions that the CPU can execute per second. Speedup is the ratio of the throughput of a pipelined CPU to the throughput of a non-pipelined CPU.
  • Pipeline hazards: Pipeline hazards are conditions that can prevent the CPU from executing instructions efficiently.

Week 8: Memory organisation:

  • Memory interleaving: Memory interleaving is a technique that improves the performance of memory by accessing multiple memory banks in parallel.
  • Hierarchical memory organisation: Hierarchical memory organisation is a technique that uses different types of memory with different access times and capacities to improve the overall performance of the memory system.
  • Cache memory: Cache memory is a small, fast memory that is used to store frequently accessed data and instructions.
  • Cache size vs block size: The cache size is the total amount of memory in the cache. The block size is the size of each unit of data that is stored in the cache.
  • Mapping functions: Mapping functions are used to map memory addresses to cache addresses.
  • Replacement algorithms: Replacement algorithms are used to decide which blocks of data to evict from the cache when the cache is full.
  • Write policy: The write policy determines how the CPU writes data to the cache and to main


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